Other Helpful Resources

Quick Tips and Guides:

Administrative Fairness Checklist by Nora Farrell, former ombudsperson at Ryerson University

FAIRNESS IS EVERYONE’S CONCERN: A Sampling of Practices and Resources on Cultivating Fairness from your Ombuds Community (Association of Canadian Colleges and Universty Ombudspersons, 2017)

Fairness in Practice Guide: BC Ombudspersons Office

Quick Tips: Essentials of Procedural Fairness (BC Ombudspersons Office)

Quick Tips: What are the Elements of an Affective Policy? (BC Ombudspersons Office)


(Jonathan Cody, 2018): Canada: Making The Grade: Court Review Of University Decision-Making

Office of the Independent Adjudicator (UK 2016): Good Practice Framework for handling complaints and academic appeals